Why Are My Pool Steps Turning Brown?
Over time, your pool stairs may become stained; therefore, you must be ready to solve this problem. Why are my pool steps turning brown? That’s the question that many homeowners ask themselves. Consequently, we decided to create this post to discover the main reasons this problem occurs and how to solve it.
The brown color in the steps is a clear sign that something is wrong.
We know that there are many reasons why pool steps turn brown, but we will focus on the main four.
Algae or chemicals usually cause these stains. Solving this problem may be a difficult task if you don’t follow our tips. It is essential to mention that you must be careful when solving this problem as putting anything in the water can be unsafe for swimmers.
This guide will teach you how to remove pool step stains without causing damages to the surface or the water.
These steps are essential parts of a pool; that is why you need to learn how to remove the stains. Let’s not waste more time; get comfortable and enjoy this post!
Why Are My Pool Steps Turning Brown? Main Reasons and How to Solve It!
The easiest way to avoid this problem is by giving regular maintenance to your pool. This post is ideal for those who don’t have enough time to clean every part of their pool. Before choosing and applying a pool stain remover, you need to understand what stained your pool.
Once you have understood why your pool’s steps are staining, you will be ready to solve this problem.
Why are my pool steps turning brown? Here are the four common causes:
- Maybe you added pool chemicals with heavy components.
- Algae accumulation can stain your pool steps.
- The pH level of the water is unbalanced.
- Your pool may have a lot of zinc and manganese.
Sometimes, despite giving proper maintenance to the pool, the water can get dirty, and the stairs can get stained. The good news is that these problems are more common than you might think, and most can be solved quickly.
Now that we have mentioned each of the reasons why your steps can turn brown, it’s time to explain to you how to solve these problems.
Maybe You Added Pool Chemicals with Heavy Components
Pool chemicals often have heavy metals, and this can cause brown stains to start to appear on the steps. The problem with these substances is that they tend to be phosphate-based. That is why you must be careful when choosing what chemicals to introduce into your pool water.
The brown stains indicate iron in the water, and that’s something you can not pass by. Another possibility is magnesium in the water, which can occur when metal is present in well water. But it can also be found in municipal water supplies.
Once you determine the stain’s cause, it’s time to solve the problem. One option is to purchase a metal removal product. Typically, it sits in the separator basket for up to a month. This is one of the simplest processes since you just have to apply the product and wait for it to eliminate the stains.
There are other procedures like reducing the water’s chlorine level, but you will need professional help.
Algae Accumulation Can Stain Your Pool Steps
Algae is one of the common reasons why pool steps turn brown. Leaves and other organic debris can leave stains if you allow them to settle too long on your pool’s surface. Algae can become a big problem for swimming pool owners. The problem is that it can stain your steps and change your pool water’s color and smell.
You need to know that the best way to eliminate algae is through prevention. Algae photosynthesize on sunny days, and it multiplies rapidly. That’s why you need to stop it the same day it appears. Start by vacuuming the pool steps manually to remove them quickly.
Then, check the water balance by using a liquid kit test. The alkalinity and pH level will ensure your sanitizer will be effective against the algae. Add the algaecide according to its package directions. Let it sit overnight, and then vacuum the steps again.
To finish the process, you just have to check the pool’s filtration to ensure proper water flow.
The pH Level of the Water Is Unbalanced
We understand that having a stained pool is something embarrassing for homeowners. Sometimes these stains are hard to remove, but we are here to help you.
You must balance the pH level of your pool, or it will damage the surface. If the level is too low, then the water will be too acidic and will corrode the metals, and stains will appear. Worse than that, acidic water irritates eyes and skin; in other words, your swimming pool will be dangerous. When the pH level is too high, your pool will be ideal for algae to grow.
If you are already facing this problem, then you need to analyze the pool water to ensure the pH level is at the proper level. We recommend you buy a standard test kit; it will help you measure your pool’s pH level quickly. Once you determine that the pH level of your pool is unbalanced, then call an expert.
Your Pool May Have a Lot of Zinc and Manganese
The types of metals that can get into your pool include manganese, zinc, iron, and copper. If there are rusty-colored stains in the steps, the source is likely metal.
The easiest access routes are wells and the corrosion of copper pipes. If you notice that it looks like rust, it probably is. These are the most difficult types of stain to remove as you need professional tools to solve the problem. The quickest and easiest way to get rid of rust stains is by calling an expert and letting them do their job.
Why are my pool steps turning brown? Now that you’ve read our blog, you got the answer to that question. You are ready to identify if algae, metals, or the unbalanced pH level are causing the stains.
If you are experiencing pool water problems not covered here, then feel free to call us. JB Pool Plastering Corp is here to help you.